Monday, July 26, 2010

Bringing it to the NEXT level

It has been a while since I update my blog. Have been with & other commitments. Anyway, glad to be here and I'm glad to hear that some of my readers are blessed by my blog content. I hope it inspires you and God will continue pouring His blessing into your life.

For the past few weeks (months) i've been busy with teaching, auditioning, doing workshop, gigging and the best of all..travelling! It's such an amzing experience how God brought me to places I never been before..teaching at places i never thought before, talking & inspiring people i never met before. It's such a great season for myself. I believe this is just some part of the reward that has been prepared by God. I learn to remain faithful with whatever little things He has entrusted me with. And for the past few years...He kept me hidden, sharpen me (and still) and pour His grace and blessings upon my life & my family's life.

This is a season for me to share my knowledge / experience, teach & mentor new musicians/young people. I just thank God for the momentum and i know, there's a price for all these. A friend once told me that he wish if he can be like me..travelling around, performing here & there. But I know that this is nothing compare to what God has prepared for me. There is time for everything. I always believe that it is important for us to remain faithful with little things. God will reward us according to our faithfulness. He will bring us to the NEXT level. From good to better, better to best. From 1, become 2, become 4, 8 and so on...we need to be faithful and be persistent. Don't copy other people's process in life...just learn the principles.

Oh, need to some work to be done. Have a great day friends. Remain faithful and remain hidden...until God release you. Stay blessed.