Thursday, August 27, 2009
Being ONE
Looking back in my past years ministry in RYC, I was blessed to have worked with so many kind of friends and unique + energetic young people. Selalunya orang berkata untuk memiliki team yang sama "kepala" alias minat benda yang sama atau karakter yang sama. I don't really agree with that. Having people yang sama kepala dlm ministry does help at certain times but it can cause problem in later days.
Sepanjang pelayanan saya di SIBKL Lake City, khususnya di RYC, saya bersyukur kerana Tuhan menghantar leaders yang memiliki karakter dan keunikan mereka tersendiri, ada yang intim, ada yang dominan, tidak kurang juga yang cermat dan stabil karakternya. Saya belajar untuk membawa setiap kami terfokus pada visi dan objective dari perjuangan pelayanan RYC dan bukannya konflik di daerah perbezaan pendapat dan pembawaan.
Sedih sekali melihat youth ministry, gereja2 atau organisasi yang pecah gara-gara gagal melihat visi yang sama. Masing-masing mempertahankan pendapat dan cara kerja masing-masing sehingga jemaat terkorban. And still, they're proud to call themselves leaders. Leaders yang bukannya dipimpin Tuhan untuk "membelah laut" (seperti musa) namun, leaders yang dipimpin oleh keegoan cita-cita masing untuk "membelah jemaat", "membelah gereja".
Gereja Tuhan di mana-mana banyak mendengar khotbah mengenai 1 Korintus 12:12-27 namun pratically, not everybody are living to it...saya sendiri masih diproses dalam hal kesatuan, ada hal tertentu yang saya masih lemah namun saya berusaha terus dan tidak akan mengalah kerana MENYESAL SEPARUH MATI kalau kita mengalah dan kita dapat tahu bahawa we just few steps to the finishing line!...
Here's a video that inspires me. This is a dance group that consist of young and they manage to get together to practice and focus on their goal despite being different in so many ways. If you're leading a team, encourage your team to focus on the vision and learn to trust your team to do the task their own way, as long as the vision is achieve. If you're in a team, know that your part is as important as the others. Be faithful even if it's just a small part or it might not seem like a popular job. God honor you. Be faithful.
Lastly, marilah kita terus menabur benih yang positif dalam generasi kita. Apa yang terjadi pada generasi akan datang bergantung dengan apa yang kita lakukan pada generasi ini. Tidak mungkin kita menuai generasi yang bersatu jika kita tidak menabur "benih-benih" kesatuan dalam generasi ini. Denominasi boleh saja berbeza, cara ibadah boleh saja berbeza...why not we focus on the same vision? -stay blessed :)
Being Abraham
Saya bersyukur kerana dalam tempoh 2007-2009, TUHAN telah mempercayakan saya memimpin RYC ke satu level yang boleh menjadi berkat bagi generasi ini malah saya sangat yakin dan pasti bahawa RYC akan dipimpin ke level yang lebih tinggi lagi, merebut “kota-kota” lain di dalam “tanah kanaan” yang sudah Dia sediakan untuk gereja kami. Musa sudah memimpin bangsa Israel keluar dari Tanah Mesir..suatu tugas yang sukar, sekarang tiba masa Joshua untuk meneruskan perjuangan memasuki tanah kanaan dan menakluk kota-kota yang diberikan Tuhan. The same thing happen in our church now including RYC.
Having said that, saya sempat meluangkan lebih 1 jam heart-to-heart talk dengan pastor saya, Pastor Kenny, yang juga merupakan salah 1 bapa rohani saya. Btw leaders, it is VERY IMPORTANT for us to be connected to our pastor. Di sanalah kita boleh mengongsikan visi & mimpi kita dan di sana jugalah dia boleh mengongsikan visinya untuk pelayanan kita bahkan we can build trust and strong bond as we spend quality time with our pastor. So, youth leaders, don’t be “allergic” with your pastor…bertobatlah!
So, as we share our dreams and hopes, we pray and as we pray God spoke to me through His covenant with Abram (before he being named Abraham in Genesis 17:1-9).
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Bila anak-anak muda melompat2 di dalam gereja sewaktu pujian penyembahan (katanya mengekspresikan cinta mereka pada Tuhan), namun tidak pernah mau mengatur waktu untuk duduk diam berdoa & merenungkan firman. Katanya sibuk dengan pelayanan.
Bila anak-anak muda maju ke depan waktu altar-call, dari KKR ke KKR, conference ke conference, camp ke camp, sudah tumbang, di doakan, di kaunseling...lepas beberapa bulan, orang yang sama maju ke depan untuk di doakan. Pergumulan & keterikatan sama...mcm tidak pernah lepas.
Bila anak-anak muda di dalam gereja mengaku generasi radikal namun bila di luar, hanya jaguh kampung. Hidup yang tidak memberi impak, bahkan, orang sekeliling tidak menyedari kalau dia wujud.
Bila anak-anak muda menaikkan lagu2 yang mereka sukai (memang melodi lagu-lagu sekarang asikk bangett) namun tidak sedar kalau tujuan pujian penyembahan bukanlah untuk membuat mereka rasa aman...pujian penyembahan ditujukan buat Tuhan, bukan manusia. Sadarr!
Bila anak-anak muda menanti-nantikan bila lagi ada konsert, bila lagi ada aktiviti luar, bila lagi ada event-event besar...katanya bosan, tiada buat apa2. Alangkah baiknya kalau kehausan sebegini ditujukan buat Tuhan. Tuhan mencari generasi muda yang haus akan DIa & kebenaran-Nya, bukannya haus untuk menyibukkan diri sendiri.
sebab pelayanan youth gak jelas, hitam tidak, putih pun tidak. Makanya BLUR. Dasar tidak kukuh, tapi mimpi & cita2 menggunung tinggi.
I used to run RYC through the above, back then I was blur...thank God. He restore my sight.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Love your enemies
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
Matthew 5:44 (NIV translation)
Pretty simple video but insipiring. Makes me evaluate i bulding a connecting bridge between me and my foe? Like in the video, are we using the rocks to build a bridge or are we throwing back to our enemy?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Zig Ziglar - Life Lesson
Some of you have seen him on youtube, some of you might read his book...but i guess most of you still haven't know him. He's an international motivational speaker
He was interviewed and ask to give some life lesson. Here's some point that i learn:
-To be 81(He just celebrated his 80th birthday)
-he is not retired but refired..(how many of us can say the same?)
-He believe the best year of his career is still in front of him. (another one..)
-He still learning things. Increasing the importance of relationship in life.
-85% people keep and stay with their job is because of their people skill.
-JOY is a great energizer..that keeps you healthy.
-exercise in order to be in good shape. Most of all eat right.
more can be seen from this video :
also in another interview, Zig ZIglar is asked, why is your faith so important. For some of us who thinks that we have everything and CHrist is second thing..let this video inspires you to change your mind.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Dirty Feet revelation
Running away from dogs
I apply this in my spiritual life and after observing my life and the people around me especially the young people in my ministry, I come to a point where I realize, some Christians trying hard to run away from their sin or temptation for many years…some succeeded, some escaped but in the process of running, they hit on something else or get into worse condition. Some try to escape from smoking but end up being an alcoholic, some escape from being a porn addict but end up in sexual immorality…some tries to run away from gossiping but end up being a bitter person…some running away from wild social life and repent but end up misusing the ministry…making ministry as another version of his/her past wild social life. And when we realize that we’re running and not going anywhere with it, we got frustrated and start questioning God.
“Kejarlah kasih itu dan usahakanlah dirimu memperoleh karunia-karunia Roch, terutama karunia untuk bernubuat.” 1 Korintus 14:1
“but you..are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance and gentleness” 1 Timothy 6:11 (NLT)
“Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:22 (NKJV)
“Berusahalah hidup damai dengan semua orang dan kejarlah kekudusan, sebab tanpa kekudusan tidak seorangpun akan melihat Tuhan.” Ibrani 12:14
“Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see Lord.” Hebrews 12:14 (NKJV)
So, the next time you plan to run away from temptations and sins, don’t run like mad to any direction, but run towards God…it’s the safest place you can be. Have a great day!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Give me the mountain!
Mount Hebron
Wait…wait, reverse to Joshua 14:6-11. Perhatikan bagaimana Kaleb benar-benar memiliki iman yang besar dan kepercayaan kepada ALLAH yang dia sembah! Bila orang lain memilih hal-hal yang gampang/mudah/selesa, Kaleb memilih untuk meminta the impossibles! Why did he dare to ask for the impossible? Check out verse 14 “itulah sebabnya Hebron menjadi milik pusaka Kaleb bin Yefune (that's Caleb's full name btw)….sampai ke hari ini, kerana dia tetap mengikuti TUHAN, Allah Israel dengan sepenuh hati”
Kaleb punya hubungan dengan TUHAN, dia mengikuti TUHAN dengan sepenuh hati, maka tidak hairanlah dia memiliki keyakinan yang penuh akan kuasa TUHAN yang menyertainya sewaktu dia menduduki Hebron.
Saya sangat terinspirasi oleh ayat-ayat di atas dan semakin bersemangat untuk melayani Tuhan dan meminta the impossibles! I don’t know about you, you might be the kind of person who prefer to take the easy way in life, mengelakkan konflik/kritikan orang, memilih jalan selamat…but I pray today, as you read this post, God will give you the courage and your faith will grow as Caleb’s. What are the mountains (the impossible) in your life? Your studies? Your Career? Your ministry? Your family? Your Relationship? Nothing is impossible with God. Let us ask for the mountains!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Great Wall Of China
It's so amazing to see how an ambitious leader use their power to protect their ruling. That was the first intention of building the PROTECT. Here's what i wanna share 2 things that I learn from the Great Wall Of China: