Sunday, August 16, 2009

Give me the mountain!

Caleb and Joshua

Mount Hebron

I was inspired by a story of a man of God called Caleb. Some of you might know this guy. “Wait! Isn’t he one of the two guys among the 12 Israelites spies who went to survey the Promised Land (Canaan)?” Yes,the other cool guy is Joshua. Why did I labeled them as the “cool guy” or “cool dude”? Not because they wear the latest fashion or they have the latest 16gig iPhone. For me, they’re cool because they stood against all odds. The other 10 spies gave a negative report to Moses about the Promised Land while they (Joshua & Caleb) are so positive about the Promised Land and fully confident that God has given them the land (Numbers 13:1-33, 14:6-8). “v30 Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, “Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it!”..hey checkout chapter 14:6-8 too! Oh, I think I’ll go “rojak” with this blog post.

This positive and great faith of Caleb doesn’t stop there…yeah! (I love this guy) Sewaktu Yosua membahagikan tanah Kanaan kepada suku-suku Israel (setelah mereka masuk ke Tanah Perjanjian), sewaktu suku-suku lain minta tanah-tanah yang subur, si Kaleb pula meminta Hebron. Btw, Hebron is a mountain! (Joshua 14:12). Whoaa! What can you do with a mountain? Well, if Caleb still alive ‘till this day, he can just develop Mount Hebron as Genting Highlands or Kinabalu Park (at least he can still make profit out of it)…but instead, he ask for Mount Hebron meskipun dia tau bahawa ada orang Enak (the Anakims) dengan kota-kota besar dan berkubu, tinggal di Herbon.

Wait…wait, reverse to Joshua 14:6-11. Perhatikan bagaimana Kaleb benar-benar memiliki iman yang besar dan kepercayaan kepada ALLAH yang dia sembah! Bila orang lain memilih hal-hal yang gampang/mudah/selesa, Kaleb memilih untuk meminta the impossibles! Why did he dare to ask for the impossible? Check out verse 14 “itulah sebabnya Hebron menjadi milik pusaka Kaleb bin Yefune (that's Caleb's full name btw)….sampai ke hari ini, kerana dia tetap mengikuti TUHAN, Allah Israel dengan sepenuh hati”

Kaleb punya hubungan dengan TUHAN, dia mengikuti TUHAN dengan sepenuh hati, maka tidak hairanlah dia memiliki keyakinan yang penuh akan kuasa TUHAN yang menyertainya sewaktu dia menduduki Hebron.

Saya sangat terinspirasi oleh ayat-ayat di atas dan semakin bersemangat untuk melayani Tuhan dan meminta the impossibles! I don’t know about you, you might be the kind of person who prefer to take the easy way in life, mengelakkan konflik/kritikan orang, memilih jalan selamat…but I pray today, as you read this post, God will give you the courage and your faith will grow as Caleb’s. What are the mountains (the impossible) in your life? Your studies? Your Career? Your ministry? Your family? Your Relationship? Nothing is impossible with God. Let us ask for the mountains!


  1. Really an inspiring blog post... Great job dude... Keep on writing.

    God bless!!

  2. cerita yang bagus...when i read it feel like want to know more about it...boy>>when u write all this thing kan,it will encourage a lot of people want to discover a lot of good and inspiring story from the bible(he he)
