
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Proud Representative

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Walking on the water

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Guard your walls
Trust your heart?

Monday, November 9, 2009
Dikenal kerana karunia atau buah roh?

Well, it has been a while since I update my blog. Been busy with work, studies, ministry and wedding preparation. However, I thank God for His strength, His grace in my life never fade. Few days ago I was invited by Alex & the new RYC leadership team. Just to share on few things. I share to them what I learn from God in this past few weeks.
Saya mengaku bahawa saya diproses oleh Tuhan untuk terus menerus menghasilkan buah-buah roh dari kehidupan saya. Kalau bicara soal karunia…saya puji TUhan kerana pada hari ni Tuhan memperlengkapi saya dengan berbagai-bagai karunia. Sampai hari ini masih ada karunia yang masih dipertajamkan, masih ada juga yang belum ditemukan namun demikian kita semua tau apa itu karunia roh. Karunia bernubuat, menasihati, memberi, memimpin, berbahasa roh, karunia melayani dan bermacam-macam lagi.
Saya selalu “mendampingkan” karunia dengan karisma (charisma). Now, here’s the tricky part. Banyak terjadi di dalam kehidupan anak-anak Tuhan di mana karunia lebih banyak dikerjakan, karunia lebih banyak menjadi fokus dan karunia juga lebih banyak diagung-agungkan dalam diri seseorang. Berbanding dengan buah roh: “kasih, sukacita, damai sejahtera, kesabaran, kemurahan, kebaikan, kesetiaan, kelemahlembutan, penguasaan diri…” Galatia 5:22-23, orang banyak sekali memperkatakan mengenai karunia seseorang. Bila dalam menilai seseorang, selalunya karunia (karisma) dan penampilan seseorang itu yang menjadi taruhan. Namun kurang diperhatikan buah-buah roh yang dihasilkan oleh orang tersebut.
Mengapa saya ingin mengongsikan hal ini? Firstly, I’m no longer in my church’s board of leadership structure. I’m no longer heading RYC, just mentoring them. So, since saya juga sibuk dengan pekerjaan, study & persiapan perkahwinan, saya jarang melayani di gereja..maksudnya, pelayanan mimbar. This is another phase in my life where God is shaping me to another form. Thank God He open my eyes. Sepertinya segala attribute (aksesori2) pelayanan saya sudah ditanggalkan…yang tinggal hanyalah karakter (buah-buah) yang terpancar dari kehidupan saya. Sama ada buah-buah roh atau buah-buah yang busuk yang keluar, itulah yang Tuhan perlihatkan pada saya.
Kadangkala tanpa kita sedar, kita kurang memperhatikan apakah diri kita masih menghasilkan buah-buah roh. Pelayanan tetap jalan, bahkan makin sibuk namun tanpa disedari, karakter kita berubah..tiada penguasaan diri, melayani sudah tidak ada sukacita..sudah hilang damai sejahtera…kalau ada damai & sukacitapun mungkin sebab ada kawan-kawan bersama-sama atau kebetulan hari tu mood baik. Melayani no. 1 namun sudah mulai mau mencari gereja-gereja lain dengan alasan gerejanya sekarang tidak dapat menampung karunianya yang hampir sama bahkan sepertinya lebih banyak dari pastornya…dalam kata lain, hilang sudah kesetiaan akan gereja dan pelayanan. The list can goes on and on…dan saya tidak bermaksud untuk menyinggung sesiapa di sini namun inilah hal yang Tuhan bukakan kepada saya sepanjang beberapa minggu yang lalu. Suatu teguran bagi saya juga kerana ini benar-benar membuat saya merasa sangat kecil dihadapan Tuhan.
Bagi saya, lebih baik kita dikenal dari buah-buah roh yang terhasil dari kehidupan kita, untuk melayani dengan hati yang murni adalah tidak mudah bila kita bersandar pada karunia & kekuatan kita saja. Temptation to pride is always there. So guys, whatever spiritual gifts u have, balance them with your spiritual fruits. Sorry for the mix use of language, I believe u guys got my point . Have a great day. God bless.
INspired to impact,
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Being ONE

Looking back in my past years ministry in RYC, I was blessed to have worked with so many kind of friends and unique + energetic young people. Selalunya orang berkata untuk memiliki team yang sama "kepala" alias minat benda yang sama atau karakter yang sama. I don't really agree with that. Having people yang sama kepala dlm ministry does help at certain times but it can cause problem in later days.
Sepanjang pelayanan saya di SIBKL Lake City, khususnya di RYC, saya bersyukur kerana Tuhan menghantar leaders yang memiliki karakter dan keunikan mereka tersendiri, ada yang intim, ada yang dominan, tidak kurang juga yang cermat dan stabil karakternya. Saya belajar untuk membawa setiap kami terfokus pada visi dan objective dari perjuangan pelayanan RYC dan bukannya konflik di daerah perbezaan pendapat dan pembawaan.
Sedih sekali melihat youth ministry, gereja2 atau organisasi yang pecah gara-gara gagal melihat visi yang sama. Masing-masing mempertahankan pendapat dan cara kerja masing-masing sehingga jemaat terkorban. And still, they're proud to call themselves leaders. Leaders yang bukannya dipimpin Tuhan untuk "membelah laut" (seperti musa) namun, leaders yang dipimpin oleh keegoan cita-cita masing untuk "membelah jemaat", "membelah gereja".
Gereja Tuhan di mana-mana banyak mendengar khotbah mengenai 1 Korintus 12:12-27 namun pratically, not everybody are living to it...saya sendiri masih diproses dalam hal kesatuan, ada hal tertentu yang saya masih lemah namun saya berusaha terus dan tidak akan mengalah kerana MENYESAL SEPARUH MATI kalau kita mengalah dan kita dapat tahu bahawa we just few steps to the finishing line!...
Here's a video that inspires me. This is a dance group that consist of young and senior...how they manage to get together to practice and focus on their goal despite being different in so many ways. If you're leading a team, encourage your team to focus on the vision and learn to trust your team to do the task their own way, as long as the vision is achieve. If you're in a team, know that your part is as important as the others. Be faithful even if it's just a small part or it might not seem like a popular job. God honor you. Be faithful.
Lastly, marilah kita terus menabur benih yang positif dalam generasi kita. Apa yang terjadi pada generasi akan datang bergantung dengan apa yang kita lakukan pada generasi ini. Tidak mungkin kita menuai generasi yang bersatu jika kita tidak menabur "benih-benih" kesatuan dalam generasi ini. Denominasi boleh saja berbeza, cara ibadah boleh saja berbeza...why not we focus on the same vision? -stay blessed :)
Being Abraham

Saya bersyukur kerana dalam tempoh 2007-2009, TUHAN telah mempercayakan saya memimpin RYC ke satu level yang boleh menjadi berkat bagi generasi ini malah saya sangat yakin dan pasti bahawa RYC akan dipimpin ke level yang lebih tinggi lagi, merebut “kota-kota” lain di dalam “tanah kanaan” yang sudah Dia sediakan untuk gereja kami. Musa sudah memimpin bangsa Israel keluar dari Tanah Mesir..suatu tugas yang sukar, sekarang tiba masa Joshua untuk meneruskan perjuangan memasuki tanah kanaan dan menakluk kota-kota yang diberikan Tuhan. The same thing happen in our church now including RYC.
Having said that, saya sempat meluangkan lebih 1 jam heart-to-heart talk dengan pastor saya, Pastor Kenny, yang juga merupakan salah 1 bapa rohani saya. Btw leaders, it is VERY IMPORTANT for us to be connected to our pastor. Di sanalah kita boleh mengongsikan visi & mimpi kita dan di sana jugalah dia boleh mengongsikan visinya untuk pelayanan kita bahkan we can build trust and strong bond as we spend quality time with our pastor. So, youth leaders, don’t be “allergic” with your pastor…bertobatlah!
So, as we share our dreams and hopes, we pray and as we pray God spoke to me through His covenant with Abram (before he being named Abraham in Genesis 17:1-9).
Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bila anak-anak muda melompat2 di dalam gereja sewaktu pujian penyembahan (katanya mengekspresikan cinta mereka pada Tuhan), namun tidak pernah mau mengatur waktu untuk duduk diam berdoa & merenungkan firman. Katanya sibuk dengan pelayanan.
Bila anak-anak muda maju ke depan waktu altar-call, dari KKR ke KKR, conference ke conference, camp ke camp, sudah tumbang, di doakan, di kaunseling...lepas beberapa bulan, orang yang sama maju ke depan untuk di doakan. Pergumulan & keterikatan sama...mcm tidak pernah lepas.
Bila anak-anak muda di dalam gereja mengaku generasi radikal namun bila di luar, hanya jaguh kampung. Hidup yang tidak memberi impak, bahkan, orang sekeliling tidak menyedari kalau dia wujud.
Bila anak-anak muda menaikkan lagu2 yang mereka sukai (memang melodi lagu-lagu sekarang asikk bangett) namun tidak sedar kalau tujuan pujian penyembahan bukanlah untuk membuat mereka rasa aman...pujian penyembahan ditujukan buat Tuhan, bukan manusia. Sadarr!
Bila anak-anak muda menanti-nantikan bila lagi ada konsert, bila lagi ada aktiviti luar, bila lagi ada event-event besar...katanya bosan, tiada buat apa2. Alangkah baiknya kalau kehausan sebegini ditujukan buat Tuhan. Tuhan mencari generasi muda yang haus akan DIa & kebenaran-Nya, bukannya haus untuk menyibukkan diri sendiri.
sebab pelayanan youth gak jelas, hitam tidak, putih pun tidak. Makanya BLUR. Dasar tidak kukuh, tapi mimpi & cita2 menggunung tinggi.
I used to run RYC through the above, back then I was blur...thank God. He restore my sight.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Love your enemies
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you"
Matthew 5:44 (NIV translation)
Pretty simple video but insipiring. Makes me evaluate myself..am i bulding a connecting bridge between me and my foe? Like in the video, are we using the rocks to build a bridge or are we throwing back to our enemy?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Zig Ziglar - Life Lesson

Some of you have seen him on youtube, some of you might read his book...but i guess most of you still haven't know him. He's an international motivational speaker
He was interviewed and ask to give some life lesson. Here's some point that i learn:
-To be 81(He just celebrated his 80th birthday)
-he is not retired but refired..(how many of us can say the same?)
-He believe the best year of his career is still in front of him. (another one..)
-He still learning things. Increasing the importance of relationship in life.
-85% people keep and stay with their job is because of their people skill.
-JOY is a great energizer..that keeps you healthy.
-exercise in order to be in good shape. Most of all eat right.
more can be seen from this video :
also in another interview, Zig ZIglar is asked, why is your faith so important. For some of us who thinks that we have everything and CHrist is second thing..let this video inspires you to change your mind.
Monday, August 17, 2009
The Dirty Feet revelation

Running away from dogs
I apply this in my spiritual life and after observing my life and the people around me especially the young people in my ministry, I come to a point where I realize, some Christians trying hard to run away from their sin or temptation for many years…some succeeded, some escaped but in the process of running, they hit on something else or get into worse condition. Some try to escape from smoking but end up being an alcoholic, some escape from being a porn addict but end up in sexual immorality…some tries to run away from gossiping but end up being a bitter person…some running away from wild social life and repent but end up misusing the ministry…making ministry as another version of his/her past wild social life. And when we realize that we’re running and not going anywhere with it, we got frustrated and start questioning God.
“Kejarlah kasih itu dan usahakanlah dirimu memperoleh karunia-karunia Roch, terutama karunia untuk bernubuat.” 1 Korintus 14:1
“but you..are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance and gentleness” 1 Timothy 6:11 (NLT)
“Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” 2 Timothy 2:22 (NKJV)
“Berusahalah hidup damai dengan semua orang dan kejarlah kekudusan, sebab tanpa kekudusan tidak seorangpun akan melihat Tuhan.” Ibrani 12:14
“Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see Lord.” Hebrews 12:14 (NKJV)
So, the next time you plan to run away from temptations and sins, don’t run like mad to any direction, but run towards God…it’s the safest place you can be. Have a great day!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Give me the mountain!
Mount Hebron
Wait…wait, reverse to Joshua 14:6-11. Perhatikan bagaimana Kaleb benar-benar memiliki iman yang besar dan kepercayaan kepada ALLAH yang dia sembah! Bila orang lain memilih hal-hal yang gampang/mudah/selesa, Kaleb memilih untuk meminta the impossibles! Why did he dare to ask for the impossible? Check out verse 14 “itulah sebabnya Hebron menjadi milik pusaka Kaleb bin Yefune (that's Caleb's full name btw)….sampai ke hari ini, kerana dia tetap mengikuti TUHAN, Allah Israel dengan sepenuh hati”
Kaleb punya hubungan dengan TUHAN, dia mengikuti TUHAN dengan sepenuh hati, maka tidak hairanlah dia memiliki keyakinan yang penuh akan kuasa TUHAN yang menyertainya sewaktu dia menduduki Hebron.
Saya sangat terinspirasi oleh ayat-ayat di atas dan semakin bersemangat untuk melayani Tuhan dan meminta the impossibles! I don’t know about you, you might be the kind of person who prefer to take the easy way in life, mengelakkan konflik/kritikan orang, memilih jalan selamat…but I pray today, as you read this post, God will give you the courage and your faith will grow as Caleb’s. What are the mountains (the impossible) in your life? Your studies? Your Career? Your ministry? Your family? Your Relationship? Nothing is impossible with God. Let us ask for the mountains!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Great Wall Of China


It's so amazing to see how an ambitious leader use their power to protect their ruling. That was the first intention of building the wall..to PROTECT. Here's what i wanna share 2 things that I learn from the Great Wall Of China:
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Inspiring the birth of a generation of revolutionist

Danny Way

Jake Brown

Travis Pastrana

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
What ONE life can do to IMPACT
The numbers of youth attending church these days are growing really fast and yet I am not surprise if we gonna lose this generation soon...sooner than we think. Why is this happening in our generation? Most of us can come up with many reasons...which is true but in my opinion, the reason why some Christians can't run the race till the end is because they have not realize what God can do with their life.
Years ago, my aim of being a christian is to enter heaven. While waiting for His second coming, I will try my best to be a good christian, living my life according to the bible. And if i'm blessed enough with some talent, I will serve God in church...and apparantly I find myself involve with the music ministry in my church back when I was 13 years old. Playing drums from church service to inter-denomination service. That time being a Christian and a church musician, I thought the highest level of ministry i can go is to play music in the state level youth conference. Those time, any church musician who manage to play at the youth conference is considered as the best musician. It was a big event, held at the capital city of Sabah, Kota Kinabalu.
Well, God is good...He manage to grab me before I play there (youth conference). I didn't manage to join my team to serve at the youth conference because my whole family move to peninsular malaysia. Why did I say God is good when He grab me away? Well, I will become a big head church musician if I were to play there.
Looking back, I want to tell you that being a christian is not about serving God at the largest venue, popular conference / service, recording album, touring the nation with your ministry group and so on. Well, all these are just part of the ministry but doing it doesn't make us be the highest level or the elite christian. That's not the main reason God created us.
Imagine if you were to reach those level. You'll be thinking, "what else needed? I've reached my goal as a Christian. I've involve in the biggest ministry ever!"...I have impacted the nation. Sounds true, but not quite true. First and foremost, we know that “For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is not from works, so that no one can boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9 (NET) Nothing that we do can make us righteous other than by the grace of God. So, I thought whatever I do, if it’s big, then I can consider myself making a big impact and inspiring others. But God rebuke me. My life, my renewed life is not solely for doing church ministry, organizing events and stuff…my renewed life is to impact other people 360 degrees through my words, my thoughts, my actions, my music…in fact, EVERYTHING about my life, when I’m at the pulpit, when I’m not serving in church…EVERYTHING about my life is meant to give impact to the people around me.
Some Christians divide church ministry and their daily living. Hey, our life is a ministry! Every single thing that we do is for God (Colossians 3:17). I want to summarize all this through the following lines:
Don’t think that you're making a big impact when you’ve become a great preacher.
Don’t think that you’re making a big impact if you’re a worship leader in a big conference.
Don’t think that you’re making a big impact if lots of people know how talented you are.
Don’t think that you’re making a big impact if your voice can’t be heard by thousands.
Don’t think that you’re making a big impact if you only know how to do ministry but not ministry itself.
You’re making a BIG impact when you willing to spend some time listening to a friend who are struggling with his sin.
You’re making a BIG impact when you willing to help your church’s usher to arrange the chairs or clean the church.
You’re making a BIG impact if you willing to take unpaid leave just to take care your sick relative.
You’re making a BIG impact if a person sees you on stage while you worship lead, saying “I know him, he’s not just a worship leader, he’s my mentor”
You’re making a BIG impact if you found yourself praying for your troubled friend over the phone when she called you at 4 a.m.
The list goes on and on…making an impact with your life not about quantity; it’s about the quality of your life. I believe that if a person connected to God, whatever he do with his life is an impact towards others. If you can see how your life can be used to impact others, the word “retire” from ministry will never surface. Let us continue to impact others with whatever we have. Just like the little boy who make a BIG impact by giving his 2 fish and 5 loaves to Jesus.
Have a blessed day.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Time to change

We all need to change, leaders need to change. We need to move forward and let the new leaders take over our place...don't hold on to your position, but hold on tight to your commitment towards the ministry...that shows what kind of leader you are.
I don't know why, i have this little worry in my heart concerning the young leaders. Not that I don't trust them, but I felt that they're more than just a leader or brothers & sisters to me...they are like my own children. I felt that as a "father", i want to see my children (the young people of RYC) growing up to be a better person...better than myself....achieving BIGGER things in life compare to what I've done. I want them not to repeat my mistake..i want them to remember whatever life's lesson I've thought them and whatever advices i gave.
This is not a "good bye" but this is a "I put my trust in you, i know you can do it without me by your side". Just as we leaving our parents to live a life on our own, so does us, as a leaders giving wings for the younger leaders to fly.

Friday, July 10, 2009
What I’ve learned from serving in the youth ministry


Anyway, when it comes to youth ministry, what I see is a bunch of youth having a service like normal Sunday service but added with games, casual outfit, slightly heavy music and you can jump (IF your church allow such things!) So, that’s how I see the youth ministry. Itu dahulu. Coming to KL, serving in the same church since 1999 until now, I have no interest in the youth ministry because I see it as a boring ministry..sekadar memenatkan ja dan saya sendiri tidak terlibat didalam youth ministry pada waktu itu..kalau terlibat pun, sebagai pemuzik ja..biasalah, “orang-orang seni” di gereja ni kan macam artis, datang bila dijemput untuk nyanyi-nyanyi…hahaha..kalau yang tersinggung tu, bertobatlah..kalau anda yang ketawa tu, puji Tuhan, kita semua pernah melalui zaman2 itu sebelum bertobat dulu.
Fast forward the years, gereja kami tahun 2007 dimentor dan ingin saya katakan, RYC bermula dan tetap bertahan pada hari ini kerana campur tangan Tuhan melalui mentoring di gereja kami. Ntah kenapa, sebelum mentoring masuk, sebelum Relevant Youth Church ada, saya diangkat jadi youth leader gereja. Siapa yang tidak hairan? Saya sendiri hairan sebab saya sendiri tidak pernah terfikir untuk jadi pemimpin. Namun kerana kemurahan dan anugerah Tuhan lah saya ada pada hari ini sebagai leader yang Tuhan percayakan bagi memimpin Relevant Youth Church. Anyway, the details about how I become a youth leader you can ask when we meet la ya.
1) Youth ministry is about RELATIONSHIP
I realize that youth ministry is not only about wearing funky casual outfit for service, it’s not about playing heavy music and jump to it, not even playing games or the ice breaker. Hey! Youth di luar sana yang tidak kenal Tuhan pun melakukan hal yang sama. That is a very narrow view of youth ministry if you look it that way. As I mention in my previous post, youth ministry is about RELATIONSHIP. VERTICAL RELATIONSHIP (Me & GOD) and HORIZONTAL RELATIONSHIP (Me & the people around me) seperti dalam Matius 22:37-40. The music, concerts, games etc. is just some “accessories” of youth ministry..penting, namun bukan yang terpenting.
2) Youth ministry is about being RELEVANT
As I mention in my previous post (CONTEMPORARY vs RELEVANT). Most of churches think that having the latest hi-tech sound system and music instrument is relevant. Some might think that having lots of activities is relevant. Apa yang saya pelajari, youth ministry yang relevant adalah pelayanan yang memenuhi keperluan youth itu sendiri. Masih ingat Hirarki Maslow (Hirarki Keperluan manusia)? Youth ministry is about being God’s hand in meeting the youth’s need…bukan sekadar memenuhi keperluan rohani mereka. I believe all of us are created for a relationship.
3) Youth minister serves throughout the season
Maksudnya, apapun keadaan yang kita lalui, kita harus tetap konsisten dan bersemangat dalam melayani anak-anak muda ini. Dalam kata lain, setiap yang melayani di youth ministry adalah orang yang TIDAK melayani dengan mood-moodnya. Kalau moodnya hari tu baik, bersemangatlah dia melayani. Kalau moodnya tidak baik, tidak la tu bersemangat.
Now, what about someone who’re burnout? Obviously he/she need to rest…TETAPI…selalunya apa yang saya lihat orang-orang yang berehat dari pelayanan ni tidak dimonitor progress mereka oleh pastor/pemimpin gereja, dan youth leader yang burnout itu sendiri tidak mau submit dengan pemimpin mereka. This happen in most of our BM churches. Kurangnya follow up pada orang yang sudah burnout/jatuh. Makanya tidak hairan kalau orang yang sama burnout pada tahun-tahun berikutnya…burnout nya pun kerana hal yang sama.
Serving in the youth ministry kita harus bersandar pada kekuatan dan kemurahan Tuhan untuk tetap bersemangat melayani Dia dalam apapun keadaan. Saya sendiri pernah merasa mau berehat dari memikirkan RYC atau pelayanan lain, namun saya ingat bahawa saya ni hamba Tuhan…HAMBA TUHAN. Yang namanya HAMBA, mana boleh suka-suka berhenti dari pelayanan kan? So, we rest when God wants us to rest…He is the Master and we’re the servant.
4) 24-7
Praying for the youth 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Pray for the youth in your church as much as possible…while driving, while watching tv, while reading, while in class...anywhere, pray for God’s covering upon the students in your church. That’s the responsibility of the youth leader…bukan sekadar sibuk mengatur program.
Oh btw, your phone need to be on 24 hours a day and please don’t put it on silent/vibrate mode unless you’re required so. Why is this important? This is from my experience, some of the youth will sms / call you around 2 or 4 in the morning. Telling their problems…cry over the phone..ask you to pray for them..even hal-hal yang kecil pun mereka akan hubungi kita. Why? Because they see us not only as leader…but as a friend, a brother…even as father. Bertobatlah kalau anda merasa itu hal yang membebankan. Being a youth leader, I’m seeing myself not only as a leader, but as a brother and father. So, 24-7 you make yourself available to your youth…of course you got work to do, but you got what I mean right?
5) Youth leader MUST have a BIG heart
Dalam RYC, saya belajar bahawa tiada istilah “saya bagi kau 3 peluang saja”. Anak-anak muda memang cenderung untuk buat kesilapan. Seperti dalam Amsal 22:15 Kebodohan melekat pada hati orang muda, tetapi tongkat didikan akan memgusir itu daripadanya”. Sewaktu mula-mula menjadi leader RYC, banyak sekali “kebodohan-kebodohan” yang melekat pada hati saya dan saya puji Tuhan, mentor-mentor, pemimpin-pemimpin dan teman-teman sepelayanan saya banyak menegur dan membantu saya.
So leaders, expect the unexpected. Kita memang mempunyai harapan yang tinggi pada anak-anak muda kita, namun kita harus tahu bahawa mereka juga spesis seperti kita yang pasti ada kelemahan. So, milikilah hati yang BESAR untuk menampung kelemahan dan kesalahan mereka. Ingat, seperti Yesus membenci dosa dan mengasihi orang yang berdosa, begitulah hendaknya kita membenci dosa generasi ini dan mengasihi mereka yang berdosa.
6) Youth leader always want others to improve
Ini yang saya pelajari pada tahun ini. Memberi dorongan dan sokongan (doa, moral & kewangan) kepada youth leaders dari gereja lain. Kita sama-sama melayani di ladangnya Tuhan, kalau hanya kita sabotaj/memburukkan/tidak menyokong pelayanan youth di gereja lain, bukan kah itu mementingkan diri sendiri?
Kita bermati-matian berdoa agar Tuhan melawat generasi muda di Negara kita yang terdiri daripada 14 buah negeri. Adakah gereja kita sendiri dapat menjangkau semua anak-anak muda di 14 buah negeri ni? We need TEAM! We need youth leaders from other churches to work together with us. Makanya kita perlu mendorong satu dengan yang lain dan saling me’network’kan diri agar generasi kita dapat mengenal Tuhan.
7) Youth leader connected to their pastor
Saya banyak mendengar keluhan dari kawan-kawan sepelayanan saya dari gereja-gereja BM yang lain. Mereka mengatakan bahawa pelayanan muda-mudi gereja mereka tidak diberi kebebasan untuk melakukan aktiviti. Ada 2 hal yang dapat saya perhatikan dari situasi seperti ini. Pertama, youth leader itu sendiri tiada hubungan bapa-anak dengan pastor mereka. Kedua, pastor mereka sendiri memiliki pemikiran yang lama (ini perlu kemurahan Tuhan dan doa-doa yang terus menerus ni).
Namun, selalunya masalah didapati pada hal yang pertama tadi. As a youth leader, I’m seeing my pastor not only as my pastor, but as my spiritual father, my mentor, my friend and my leader. We need to build the father-son relationship…build the trust. Bila ada hubungan, kepercayaan akan mulai timbul. Saya pernah melihat youth leaders yang sepertinya “allergic” dengan pastor mereka. Tidak tenang kalau duduk dekat…dalam kata lain, kepahitan sama pemimpin alias memberontak sama pemimpin. Nah, makanya tidak hairanlah kalau youth ministry di gereja mereka tidak maju, pemimpin youthnya sendiri tidak berada di bawah payung gereja (pastor gereja). So friends, kalau anda merasa bahawa Roh Kudus menegur anda di area ini, bertobatlah. Kongsikan visi anda kepada pastor anda dan dengar pastor anda menyatakan visi dan harapannya untuk pelayanan muda-mudi di gereja.
This is another long post of mine. But I hope you’ll be inspired by this as much as I’m get inspired by God while serving Him in RYC. Until then, have a blessed day.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
What ATTITUDE can do for you :
1) Your attitude makes a difference in your approach to life
-The happiest people in life don't necessarily have the best of everything. They just try to make the best of everything.
2) Your attitude makes a difference in your relationships with people
-The Lense Principle : We are determines how we see others
-The Pain Principle : Hurting people hurt people and are easily hurt by them
-The Elevator Principle : We can lift people up or take them down in our relationship
-The Learning Principle : Each person we meet has the potential to teach us something
3) Your attitude makes a difference in how you face challenges
-no society has ever developed tough men during time of peace. We all grew as the result of overcoming diffculties. The better your attitude, the more likely you will be to overcome difficulties, grow, and move forward.
-When a problem comes into contact with someone who has a positive attitude, the result is often something wonderful.
4) Your attitude is the difference maker
-your attitude has a profound influence on how you see the world-and thus on the way you live out your life
So folks, always remember, the problem is not the problem itself, it's the attitude of us towards the situation. We only live once, maximize the use of our life to inspire & impact other life. Be blessed :)
Monday, June 29, 2009
We Reap What We Sow
Well, as mentioned in the title, We reap what we sow. Kita menabur apa yang kita tuai..kita tidak akan menuai hal-hal yang baik jika kita tidak menabur benih-benih yang baik. Impossible! Berdoalah berbulan-bulan, hoping for miracles...kita hanya akan menuai apa yang telah kita tabur. This is biblical (Galatians 6:7 Don't be deceived. God will not be made fool. FOr a person reap what he sows)..not just a positive tagline.
For example, katakanlah kita menanam benih buah jambu, tapi kita mengharapkan untuk mendapatkan buah durian. Mustahil kita menuai buah durian kan? meskipun kita berdoa dan puasa..kita tetap akan menuai buah jambu dan bukan buah durian. Seringkali saya sendiri hidup dalam angan-angan dan yg parahnya, tanpa saya sedari, saya cuba mempermainkan Tuhan dengan mengharapkan untuk menuai hal-hal yang saya ingini padahal lain yang saya tabur.
Apa yang kita "tuai" pada hari ini adalah akibat daripada apa yang kita "tabur" pada masa lalu. So, if we want to reach our dreams, we need to start sowing the right seed today.
This is a pretty short post but i hope this post can inspire you as it has inspire me.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
few seconds that inspires me today

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who are able to read the tone and those who are able to set the tone. It’s the difference between being a thermometer that measures the temperature and being a thermostat that sets the temperature.
Hope this inspires u as well. Be a history maker, one renewed life can make a big changes.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My Inputs
"and if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know." 1 Corinthians 8:2
Everyone should read, leaders should read...even a drummer like me should read. We stop progressing when we stop learning and reading is one of learning process. I would like to thank my dad, Mr. Daniel Raut for he is the one who bring me into this habit of reading. I'm not a bookworm actually...but it's when i heard my dad say "Son, you need to read, leaders must read"...that day is a turning point for me :). Until now, i still enjoy reading. I have books almost everywhere, toilet, my drum room, living room, guest room..everywhere. So i wanna share to all of u what book i've read for the past few years...and God really shaping me becoming who i am today through this book. These books i read as inputs for youth minstry, music ministry, self-motivation, leadership & christianity.





Well, some books can't upload the images here. ANyway, i read The Battle for A Generation by Ron Hutchcraft, Mentoring by Ir. Eddy Leo, The Power of Influence by John C Maxwell, Mentoring : How to INvest Your Life in Others, The New Worship - Straight Talk on Music and The CHurch by Barry Liesch and many more...
So, read...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Use What You Have, Use It Well

Friday, June 12, 2009
Contemporary VS Relevant



Puji Tuhan kerna hingga ke hari ini, Tuhan masih bekerja lewat Relevant Youth Church. Jujur saja, di awal pembentukkan RYC di SIBKL Lake CIty (dulunya SIBKL Chow Kit) saya masih belum menangkap sepenuhnya maksud RELEVANT bagi generasi ini. Yes, it is a process my dear friends..and until today, God has expand the word RELEVANT.
Last time i used to have this image of what a youth church should be : A youth church must have a happening event every week, the music must be really up to date...so the media (media is very important in youth ministry), the youth who serve in youth church also must have the latest fashion update. Why? Because the young generation today is always evolving..they changed. Tatu yang dulunya taboo dikalangan orang-orang kristian, kini mula diterima di beberapa gereja..khusunya gereja anak muda. Bagaimana di RYC? haha...belum ada lagi yang ada tatu..anyway, that is different topic..just don't make any conclusion. What i'm trying to say is, youth these days are evolving, mereka sentiasa mau sesuatu yang baru, mereka cepat boring...selalu haus akan sesuatu yang baru. Now, most of us also flow with them in terms of finding the most updates for our youth ministry. Kita berusaha untuk menjadi youth church yang contemporary...menjadi contemporary tanpa bertanya sama ada perubahan/update tersebut RELEVANT / connect tidak dengan youth kita.
Some example, hillsongs, planet shakers, united, TW...these are the names of influential ministries yang memberi impak pada pelayanan RYC. Now, Tuhan bekerja dengan luar biasa melalui pelayanan mereka namun harus ingat, pelayanan mereka sudah jauh 10 tahun ke depan dari pelayanan youth ministry di malaysia. Selalu kita dibayangi dengan konsert di dewan2 besar, lampu2 spotlight yang canggih, smoke machine, creative dance, sound system canggih with huge subs...pakaian & rambut yang funky2...wow! this is it man! the true image of a succeful contemporary youth ministry. Now, before u start condemning for being sarcastic etc, let me tell you, i'm not against all these..infact, dalam RYC sendiri kami berusaha untuk ada benda2 ni semua. Semua benda-benda tu perlu..tapi bukanlah esensi alias inti, daripada pelayanan youth ministry yang sebenarnya.
If u could ask TW, Planet Shakers etc..mereka bermula awal..lebih awal dari kebanyakan youth church di malaysia yang sedang naik. Mereka bermula dengan beberapa puluh orang youth, tapi disebalik apa yang kita lihat pada hari ini ialah jam-jam doa puasa dan pemuridan yang mereka lakukan beberapa tahun sebelum mereka ada pada hari ini. In other words, mereka terlebih dahulu invest dalam menguatkan dasar mereka...setia dalam hal-hal yang kecil dan hal-hal yang paling utama iaitu doa & puasa.
In RYC we still focusing on building the foundation of the youth..menanam value dan karakter Kristus. As leaders, we're called to raised new leaders...we're called to look after the young souls in our church...setelah anak-anak muda ini bertumbuh, terpulang kepada Tuhan untuk memimpin mereka menemukan panggilan mereka, ada yang jadi musician, singers, ada yang jadi pengkhotbah..ada yang tidak terlibat dalam pelayanan di gereja langsung..so, it's up to God. Kita hanya menanam...jangan dipaksakan. Memang kami akan mengadakan event-event yang menggunakan multimedia yang latest, music yang canggih arrangementnya dll, namun itu bukan hal yang terpenting. Apa la guna kita buat event yang besar dan canggih kalau TUhan sendiri tidak berkenan dengan apa yang kita lakukan?
Berbalik kepada contemporary. Menjadi contemporary tidak semestinya RELEVANT. Example, bila berbicara mengenai MTV, not all our young people watching MTV, eventho it's the "in" thing for the youth today, but in our church, maybe not so "in". EMm..latest fashion..skarang ni skinny jeans is the hippest thing...hahaha...but hey, rata-rata our youth doesn't come from rich family, kita pula youth leaders berusaha memaksa anak-anak muda kita untuk membeli pakaian2 yang up-to-date...akhirnya mereka belanja wang saku mereka di salun untuk event youth kita kerana itulah yang the latest trend but again, bila kita balik ke church masing-masing, adakah kita akan melayani dengan rambut yang funky2 / soundsystem yang canggih dengan lampu2 spotlight yang megah gah gah? Tidak kan? so, striving to be a contemporary youth church is not neccesary relevant.
If u ask me, apalah yang relevant bagi generasi muda kita sekarang? Bagi saya, 1 perkataan, HUBUNGAN. RELATIONSHIP. Vertical + Horizontal Relationship. Hubungan Vertikal (Antara saya dengan Tuhan) dan hubungan Horizontal (antara saya dengan orangtua saya, keluarga, kawan2, pemimpin gereja, komuniti dan orang lain) seperti dalam Lukas 10:27. Bila bahagian ini (RELATIONSHIP) dipenuhi, saya percaya, kita tidak akan memecahkan kepala memikirkan idea-idea yang kreatif untuk menarik youth-youth ini. CUkup mulakan dengan membina jabatan hubungan dengan mereka.
Tanya saja anak-anak muda yang melayani di dalam pelayanan youth anda, tanya hubungan mereka dengan TUhan bagaimana, berapa jam doa & firman mereka dalam seminggu, tanya saja bagaimana hubungan mereka dengan orangtua/keluarga/kawan/gereja/orang di sekitar mereka...rata-rata jawapan mereka di antara gred B - D. Jadi inikah yang ingin kita mau impartasikan kepada anak-anak muda yang kita layani?
Another example, kita mungkin berlatih lagu2 terbaru dari GMB & TW & PLanet shakers, bila kita masuk ke perkampungan orang asli...adakah kita bawakan lagu-lagu yang latest ni? siap dengan intro muzik yang happening dan solo-solo yang mengiurkan? (ni saya tambah2 ja :P) Kamu rasa orang-orang asli ni boleh connect dengan kita kah? Tidak! (mereka lebih minat lagu-lagu joget dan dangdut, pakai gitar kapok pun mereka boleh berjoget sampai pagi...serius!) "Tapi kami membawakan lagu & muzik yang up to date"...well, ini lah yang saya ingin sampaikan, menjadi contemporary tidak semestinya relevant.
Cara TUhan bekerja dan formula UNITED, Planet SHakers, TW & CHC mungkin berkesan bagi gereja mereka namun tidak semestinya berkesan bagi kita. Kita pelajari inti dari pelayanan mereka, bukan meniru bulat2...hey, jangan pandang rendah kemampuan Tuhan! Dia boleh bagi kita idea-idea yang fresh. So, again..Vertical connection enables us to be inspired by God with fresh ideas. SO, let us strive to know how God define RELEVANT in our generation rather than go for what the world say about being contemporary.
I want conclude this, also as a reminder to myself and to my faithful friends in youth leadership, 1 Korintus 10:23 "Segala sesuatu diperbolehkan, Benar, tapi bukan segala sesuatu berguna. Segala sesuatu diperbolehkan, benar, tapi bukan segala sesuatu membangun."